Ok, Auffrischung des Threads:
Meine Email an Henry Shire:
Hello Henry,
This is Henning from Germany...
I've been browsing through your website for hours and somehow I fell in love with Rainbow....
Well, it seems to me that you're a right-minded man so I'd like to tell you some questions about this tent. :-)
I often cycle in Norway or other countries, where there's lots of rain; is Rainbow waterproof 'enough' for lets say a whole night of pouring rain?
And if it has rained the whole night, what about condensation? I usually use a down sleeping bag...
Also in Norway, especially along the shore, there can be strong winds.
So alltogether, would you recommend me to order this tent? Please say yes with a clear conscience. :-)
Best regards
Seine Antwort (veröffentlicht mit seiner Erlaubnis):
Hello Henning,
Thanks for your interest and glad that you like the Rainbow. The Rainbow
will handle rain and wind but you will need to stake it well. You can also
ask us to install some additional loops along the pole sleeve so that you
can provide extra support for the arch pole if needed in high winds. No
charge for that.
The Rainbow vents pretty well but condensation in any single wall shelter is
going to happen from time to time. So much depends on temperature and
location. If your down bag has any kind of a water resistant shell then,
yes, it's fine with the Rainbow. You'll get a bit of dampness in some
conditions but the shell takes care of anything short of sleeping in a
Do you cycle in the winter? If not, you should check back later in the
spring when the latest version of the Rainbow will be out. I honestly don't
know what changes I'm going to make to it yet except to say that the goal is
to increase storm resistance without adding any weight.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks very much.
Henry Shires
Dies mag weitere Interessenten zur Entscheidungsfindung dienen. Abgesehen von der Tatsache, daß die Zeltnähte nicht abgedichtet sind, finde ich das Angebot toll, extra Leinen zwecks Sturmsicherung ans Zelt genäht zu bekommen - ohne Aufpreis.
Mir erscheint diese Zelt - ohne es bisher benutzt zu haben - ein so perfekter Mix aus "Low"-Budget, Gewicht, Wetterfestigkeit, Komfort und Größe, wie es nur geht.
Aber hat jemand von Euch schon Erfahrungen mit diesem Zelt gemacht?