International Bicycle Travel Forum
International Bicycle Travel Forum
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10 registered (Lampang, Günter-HB, Indalo, silbermöwe, Gerhardt, 5 invisible), 716 Guests and 803 Spiders online.
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29553 Members
98576 Topics
1550502 Posts

During the last 12 months 2172 members have been active.The most activity so far was at 02.02.24 17:09 with 5102 users online.
Top Posters (30 Days)
veloträumer 72
iassu 45
Lionne 44
Juergen 40
Nordisch 35
The International Bicycle Travel Forum for your homepage
Participate in building a worldwide network for bicycle travelers. You operate a homepage which concerns traveling by bicycle? You don't have a forum of your own yet? We then offer you to install our forum into your homepage! It is very simple and connected to no costs or administrative overhead. Just insert a link and you're done.

What speaks for it? Now, on the one hand a forum lives from the contributions of the visitors. And the more visitors, the more contributions. Forums, which are operated by individual homepage owners, usually fail because of too few visitors. We think it makes more sense to merge the same forum into several homepages.
On the other hand the used forum is completely based on a SQL database and thus offers a very fast search function, which lets the user search all topics for keywords. It also offers a lot of freely definable display options. Any registered user has his own profile with individual settings. In addition, he is immediately informed by email if answers to his posts were written.

You operate a homepage of your own which essentially concerns traveling with the bicycle.
Your homepage is non-commercial.
You don't have any forum yet or would like to replace an old one.
You like the International Bicycle Travel Forum.
Nothing more then is actually in the way! You can find other bicycle-travel pages in the list of the homepages involved which already use the forum.

Participating is not just putting another link to the forum into your link list. Make it part of your homepage! Add a new "Forum" menu item to your homepage-navigation! You can insert the forum into the frameset of your homepage or let it open as an independent window.

Over a normal textlink:
Example: Visit the International Bicycle Travel Forum
Code: Visit the <a href="">International Bicycle Travel Forum</a>
The link also can be placed over a graphic (You'll find additional graphics under banner graphics):
Example: International Bicycle Travel Forum
Code: <a href=""><img src="/images/logo/en_sun126x60.png" width="126" height="60" border="0" alt="International Bicycle Travel Forum" title="International Bicycle Travel Forum"></a>

Adapt the design
The design of the forum is adaptable to your own homepage. This possibility is optional and can be ignored if you are satisfied with the standard representation.

The appearance of the forum is done with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). For a change of the design simply the ID of a predefined stylesheet can be submitted when calling the forum. Three different designs exist at the moment. However, you are welcome to create a new one also which we then file for you on our server. For this you simply take one from the existing stylesheets, adapt this correspondingly and send it to us.

The specified design will be used until the visitor logs in with its name and password. This happens because the personal settings (only if provided) of a registered member overwrite the design provided by you.
But if a visitor registers himself as a new forum-user over your homepage, then he receives your predefined design in his user profile (of course he can change it later).
Stylesheet ID: 1 2 3
Code: <a href="">International Bicycle Travel Forum</a>
Other stylesheets: -

The only condition is to write us an email containing the URL of your homepage and a short description of the page, so we can add it to the list of the homepages involved. Help is always appreciated, for example please let us know if this english translation has got too many mistakes ;-). If you like to help building a worldwide network for traveling cyclists get in contact with us: