Hello Jules
I will also travelling through Westafrika by bike. Exactly from Morocco to Ghana. The route I planned is the follow: Fes (Morocco) - High Atlas - Marrakech - Western Sahara - Nouhadibou (Mauretania) - with the Ore train to Choum - Nouachkott - Kiffa - Senegal - The Gambia - Mali (til' Djenne and to the Dogon - Burkina Faso - Accra (Ghana).
I will start in Fes at the end of october 2003 and want to arrive in Accra at the end of April 2004.
Do you start in Europe for this trip? I think 6 months from Ireland are to short for such a long journey.
Do you already know, at what date your planning to go through the Western Sahara to Nouadhibou?
I'm also travelling alone (from Marrakech). It would be cool to share the street with somebody for a couple of days.
About your trip. I heard that it's quite dangerous at this time to cross the border from Mauritania to Mali in the region of Timbouctou. Even the region around Timbouctou isn't safe. But I don't know how dangerous it really is esspecially for a cyclist. The border to Mali from Senegal should be safer.
About me: I'm from Switzerland, 28 years, male, I like to travel by bike because of feeling to be a part of the nature (with its good and bad sites) and to have a stronger contact with the inhabitants of this countries.
I wish you a safe and unforgetable trip
I hope to hear from you
Sorry, but my english isn't better.
