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#67639 - 12/29/03 02:02 PM Tour in Argentina/Chile Nov-Dec. 2004

I'm a 35 years old Italian researcher,
and I am planning for a one-month tour of
western Argentina and Chile, departing around Nov.15, 2004.
I am considering an itinerary starting
from San Juan, then crossing to Chile
via the Libertadores pass (Puente del Inca),
then North to Copiapo, back to Argentina
via the San Francisco pass, then back south
- with hopefully a deviation to the Agua
Negra pass.
I'll be glad if somebody joins - pedaling
in good company is twice as fun.
Please reply also at :,

Looking forward to hear from you -


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#98662 - 07/01/04 12:47 PM Tour in Argentina/Chile Nov-Dec. 2004 [Re: Anonymous]
My name is Reynald Thierrin. I am from the area of Lausanne in Switerland. I have a lot of experience on travelling by bike (went for example from Switzeralnd to Tibet in 1996). I am 31 years old. My job is survey engineer. I guess it is enough for the presentations…
About the languages : my language is french but I speak fluently german and english ; I can manage quite well in spanish too.
I would be very interested about joining you on the trip you suggest. The period would be OK for me but I will have less time than you. I will have about two weeks and a half and my wife will join me somewhere (Mendoza, Santiago) for two other weeks.
We could do part of the trip together for example.
Before writing more I would be glad to hear from you. Would you be interested ? Do you still plan to do it ? What are your expectations when you travel this way.
All the best
My private e-mail :
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