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#403730 - 01/13/08 04:05 AM Bike across Canada, SouthAm or Island in April2007
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My crossroad is getting closer.
Norwegian 33 male with experience in biking Irland around and winter nights without tent in Norwegian forest.
Iam not like some other people, that means i dont have to visit exotic trendy like Iran, Asia, Spain, Marocco, Gambia or the slum in Sierra Leone and similar places just because the people and the culture there is supposed to be so "interesting" and everybody doing it.
Like good trips with plenty of time to see things. 25-km to 80 or 0 day by day.
My departure will be in April, i would like to come in contact with anyone or a group that i could join for some days or months.
I will travel light on MTB with a Bob trail and will enjoy the beer, nice people, peaceful culture and spectacular landscape.

Like to hear from anyone that has similar thinking if you exist?
Biking is about maximum 1-6 hours each day on the wheels. And 4-12 half liters each day. On interrail you travel from a to b, on bike you travel between a to b. A old visdom word from Norway
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