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#726576 - 05/30/11 09:49 PM Poland and Baltic states starting NOW
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Hello Everybody,

I (31, m) just reached Görlitz at the german-polish border and will be heading for Estonia two days from now (June 1st). My destitation is the european capital of culture: Tallinn (and Turku, Finland). Usually i do about 100 km a day but on this tour i want to see loads of stuff, so I am planning only 4-5 travelling days per week. I prefer camping but in bad weather conditions or for visiting cities I'm staying in hostels.
My route will lead me to wrozlaw and i will join the european cycling route r1 in the area of bydgosz. On it goes via Kaliningrad (russian visa required!) through Lithunia and Latvia to Estonia.
I would be happy to find a partner on any section of my trip or for tips concerning the countries I want to cross.

"But I needed none of all this precaution; for never man had a more faithful, loving, sincere servant than Friday was to me: without passions, sullenness, or designs, perfectly obliged and engaged; his very affections were tied to me, like those of a child to a father." Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
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Poland and Baltic states starting NOW hefaru 05/30/11 09:49 PM