Originally Posted By: Pascal40
Hi there, Jordan and Ethiopia seem to be two countries, where kids have fun to throw stones at cyclists.

What is the best reaction to this? How do you make them stop?

Thanks for your suggestions,

When I was in Tibet on the Friendship Hwy, I didn't have trouble with stonethrowing kids, but youngsters along the road could get seriously annoying - from begging to trying to steal stuff from my backrack to slowing me down by holding on the panniers! After 2,3 incidents I just gragged my "dogstick", holding it so that everybody ahead could see it. Suddenly everybody behaved very nicely...

I would advise to pick up some stones yourself and make sure they see them. Otherwise you could stop and try to interact. Not a good idea would be giving handouts like stickers, pens, sweets, or even money. It would even more encourage them to keep this behavior.