Hallo Jan
Ein Bekannter aus Algerien hat mir folgendes mail geschickt:
at first u need to go to "KEF" in Tunisia after u'll be
in "KALAT SINNANE" finally u'll be in algeria/tunisia
frontier ok, so u'll travel to "SHABKA" or "MRIDJE" u
have a choice between this two village , the both road
u to "TEBESSA". so by mridje or shabka.
he told me to tell u that the situation is not very
stable and safety!! in the morning u can make ur trip
by ur bicycle but the night is very dangerous so u
need to spend it inside the hotel , please try to
avoid the night out-door!.
Wenn sie mich nicht über die Grenze lassen, ist es auch kein probelm ,fahre ich halt nur in tunesien.
Gruß Heinz