
Stop daydreaming, save some money and get on your bike and ride laugh

I have planned 5000E for the whole trip, inclusing the flight to Turkey and back to Germany together with visa costs. That leaves around 500E per month which should defenitelly be enough.

Most of the time we'll camp and we use hospitality networks when staying in cities (couchsurfing, hospitalityclub, warmshowers). This way we save a lot of money and we get to to know the locals, I like these networks it al lot. Staying in hotels can get expensive as foreigners may have to stay in government appointed hotels so we'll camp as much as possible. And why sleep in a 2 star hotel if you can camp under a 1000 stars? grin

150km a day? Repekt laugh We'll probably cycle between 80-120km a day when the road conditions are good. In mountanious areas and/or on bad roads I think we"ll manage between 50-60km a day.

The Tibet route is ready now. You can download it on our website.

Cycle the world,