Ahoi Saad,

thanks for your immediate answer to my inquiry in the globike-forum.
Did you meanwhile find my email I sent to saad_bike(ät)yahoo.com on 31.01.06 ? Do you have another adress or should we communicate further through this forum ?
Something more to my actual plans. Most probably I will use the "orient express" to get to turkey, to Istanbul. Altogether I have a 3 months break from my job as elecrical engineer starting from the beginning of June until the end of august. Besides travelling, cycling I'm looking for a place to stay, to be together with people for about 3 weeks. Most probably it will be an biological producing farm ('rapunzel-project turkey'), where I will work and live. The time period there is also not yet fixed.
I will take a tent and the sleeping bag with me to be free where and when to stay and sleep. According to information from other turkey-bikers it should be no problem for wild camping.
My route isn't fixed, however I intend generally to start in the south at the beginning summer, passing to the north and east (van-sea!) when it gets more hot in july and august.
In November last year I started learning the turkey language. It's an interesting language with clear grammar - Do you understand this language, is the arabic part of it helpful in understanding for you? What's your time schedule etc.?

all the best