my route in pakistan, lahore, islamabad, k2, gilgit, chinese border, citral, peshawar to afganistan. the north is beautifull and easy going, frienly moderate people.
south of islamabad is hot and rough, demanding, sometimes hostile people.
problems, heat, food, clean water, stone throwing kids, if not slingshots.
old men are usually very friendly and helpful. salam maleikum (peace to the people) is a good ice breaker.
karachi is a not interesting. in quetta you may want to inform about the situation in baluchistan, the border area with pakistan, afghanistan and iran. it is a smuggleres paradise, you may want to take a lift on a truck. truckdrivers are generally angels. you can always stop them for water, food, a ride or hasj...
places to stay, the internet inn in lahore gives special offers to cyclists. the camping ground in islamabad is a historical meeting place for overlanders and good stop to get info or visas. camping is not a problem, but most of the time people will invite you. iran is one of my favourite countries, cant go wrong there, except for the border area perhaps. good luck