Now that is what I would call one hell of an adventure. Paris to...

In 1998 ,I think it was, A German woman from Bonn pulled into downtown Hanoi on her fully loaded touring bike, having cycled there from Germany. Tall with dark blond hair, blue eyes, impeccably perfect handwriting, a spirit of high adventure, and saddle soreness, I considered it my own duty to direct her to the hostel in which I had been rooming for a few days by that time. Seated as I was in a restaurant and looking out a window when she pulled in at street outside, it was understandably impossible to just let her slip away without getting a little of her story for my journal. She is a tall one. Her name was Doris Huffman. She said she was heading on into China and then to Japan where friends awaited her arrival.

Quite some time later, while another person and I were cycling between Beijing and Wuhan, China, people at a roadside restaurant told us that this same German woman was seen cycling that very same road we were on, destination Beijing.