
I travelled this road in April 1986 as one of the first western cyclists. Be prepared to cycle on a bumby and dirty road, climbing passes more than 5.000 metres. Passes are not steep but really long. On daytime it was sunny and dry, at night really cold. I guess in November it`s about the same but nights much more colder. But it can happen that you will encounter headwind, which can be very frustrating. I think you will have no problems with the weather-conditions but with the altitude. It took me nearly one month to cycle from Kathamdu to Lhasa, which ist about 1.000 km in distance.

If you apply wheresoever for a visa for china, do not mention that you are on a bike. It is not forbidden to cycle inside china but to mention it on applicationform is not a good idea, because it can lead to a refusal. Normally it should be no problem the cross the nepalese/chinese border on a bike. But keep in mind that you will cycled the most of the time in "closed areas", so it may be happen that someone will talk to you.

If you need more information about cycling in Tibet you can contact me via e-mail!
