The "landscape" in Asunción calls for more wireless technology next.

Thanks for the impressing photos. Iguaçu is still evoking an old dream of mine. I still liked it in my youth, but never a visit come true. Still I like waterfalls today all over.
Unless that, thanks for some background information about colinisation. When I studied in former days, I was participating in a theatre group called "Alma Latina". Our main project was a scenery and musical act, considering Latin American history in respect to indigenous people, missionars, colonial governance and slavery crime, of course with critical links to the modern world. Our Brazilian "writer" (she studied German) arranged a piece of Oswald Andrade. It is a kind of naturalistic symbolism, to give a vision, how all the best characters and ideas of indigenous people and their conquerors could find together through an cannibalistic meal. It's a way to get all the positve elements by eating the foreign culture in a symbiotic way and refusing the dividing meanings. If looking on todays situation about peace, migration, cultural clash and environmental sustainability, this vision is still on the agenda of mankind, but the society seems to be far from realisation.

It's always a short step forward to enjoy the fascinating moments of a voyage in the mirror of unanswered questions of our ancestors, which are still our questions today and tomorrow. So I'm waiting for your next cycling step.