Posted by: Anonymous
Re: Aussergewöhnliche Reiseberichte - 12/10/03 07:30 AM
das ist zitierenswert, finde ich:
nett, oder?
And just how friendly is bike riding in Germany? In parts of the US, red necks driving pick-up trucks try to force bikers off the road. (I hate them for their arrogance and ignorance.) In Germany by contrast, nearly every vehicle will cross the centerline to give bikers a wide berth. I cannot count the times cars and trucks have slowed to my speed for a block or more when passing me would have crowded me to the side of a street or road. This is because the streets are narrow and drivers are used to sharing the road with bikers, parked cars, pedestrians, or people on in-line skates. Yes, you will have to ride on some streets in Germany - but it is much safer than riding on streets in the States.
nett, oder?

United States of Automobiles
Dubya und seine Spießgesellen vertreten die Ansicht, daß Fahrradfahrer sich ein Auto kaufen sollen um sicherer am Straßenverkehr teilnehmen zu können