Posted by: Guenter
Re: Hypercracker - 01/17/04 07:29 PM
Mein Schriftverkehr in den letzten Stunden:
Hi Wayne,
provided I do not have to pay the 5 bucks handling charge for international shipment, that covers the paperwork, a second time I agree to make two shippings out of my order.
I am menber of a touring bike forum and I am doeing this on behalf of the gang . Since some of the members like to hit the road pretty soon it´s a good idea not to wait until you have all items in stock.
Thank You.
Sincerely Guenter
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Maceyka" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 3:54 PM
Subject: Harris Cyclery Stein Tool order
> --
> Good day:
> Thank you for your generous order. We will indeed offer the 10%
> discount for this quantity.
> We do not have the complete quantity in stock at this time. What we
> can do is offer 10 pieces now, along with the Dura-Ace tool, and ship
> the remaining 19 pieces in 1-2 weeks when our stock is replenished.
> Will the be acceptable, or should we wait until we have the entire
> quantity before shipping?
> Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
> Danke,
> Wayne Maceyka
> Harris Cyclery, West Newton, Massachusetts
> Phone 617-244-9772, 617-244-1040, FAX 617-244-1041
> Hard-to-find parts shipped Worldwide
> Useful articles about bicycles and cycling
Mfg Günter
Hi Wayne,
provided I do not have to pay the 5 bucks handling charge for international shipment, that covers the paperwork, a second time I agree to make two shippings out of my order.
I am menber of a touring bike forum and I am doeing this on behalf of the gang . Since some of the members like to hit the road pretty soon it´s a good idea not to wait until you have all items in stock.
Thank You.
Sincerely Guenter
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Maceyka" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 3:54 PM
Subject: Harris Cyclery Stein Tool order
> --
> Good day:
> Thank you for your generous order. We will indeed offer the 10%
> discount for this quantity.
> We do not have the complete quantity in stock at this time. What we
> can do is offer 10 pieces now, along with the Dura-Ace tool, and ship
> the remaining 19 pieces in 1-2 weeks when our stock is replenished.
> Will the be acceptable, or should we wait until we have the entire
> quantity before shipping?
> Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
> Danke,
> Wayne Maceyka
> Harris Cyclery, West Newton, Massachusetts
> Phone 617-244-9772, 617-244-1040, FAX 617-244-1041
> Hard-to-find parts shipped Worldwide
> Useful articles about bicycles and cycling
Mfg Günter