Paris Dakar by bike

Posted by: paris dakar by bike

Paris Dakar by bike - 01/11/04 11:17 PM

At the moment we have started a new project, it's called Paris Dakar by bike.

What is the meaning of Paris Dakar by bike?

A number of teams from several different countries in Europe will take part in a race from Paris to Dakar.
Each team consists of two persons who are the representatives of their country, from each country only one team can take part.

Each team has to collect money for a national good cause, what cause that’ll be isn’t decided yet, but it’s very important that al these organisations have the same target, for example education for children in Africa.
The money that’ll be collected together will go to the organisation of the winning team or to the first two teams.
For making this plan a success It’s necessary to get as much publicity as possible, because companies will only sponsor when they get publicity.

During the race the teams have to do everything on their own, and are not allowed to get help.

If you are still interested, please send us a mail with the following information (in English).

Phone number:
E-mail adres:
Profession or studie:
Experience with biking:
A picture of yourself:
Explain why you are suitable for taking part:

After sending your e-mail you will soon know if you are selected for your country.

With kind regards,
