Posted by: _alexandros_
A different Bike-Trip: 3000 Reasons (Europe) - 05/19/16 12:39 AM
Hi bike-people and even no-bike-people,
I do some promotion, because I think this interesting project needs our (global) attention.
I found it on Facebook and I made some research.
It looks serious, honest and has a very sustainable idea.
There is no show or entertainment touch, it is more about:
Let us make the place a better (bike) world.
Here we go:
Enjoy and if you need more infos, check also the FB Page
- 3000Reasons on Facebook
All the best from Bolivia to all of you and I hope you can see the sense in this project, like I do. Please share this, if you really like it. I saw many projects the last years, like all of us, but this one gets my attention because I really believe that cycling and sustainable, green mobility is a very important part of our future.
This project goes the first step and will make a film about the outcome of the trip and as it seems people with the right backround are into it.
I wish these people all the best and will keep following their paths.
Peace And Out
I do some promotion, because I think this interesting project needs our (global) attention.
I found it on Facebook and I made some research.
It looks serious, honest and has a very sustainable idea.
There is no show or entertainment touch, it is more about:
Let us make the place a better (bike) world.
Here we go:
Enjoy and if you need more infos, check also the FB Page
- 3000Reasons on Facebook
All the best from Bolivia to all of you and I hope you can see the sense in this project, like I do. Please share this, if you really like it. I saw many projects the last years, like all of us, but this one gets my attention because I really believe that cycling and sustainable, green mobility is a very important part of our future.
This project goes the first step and will make a film about the outcome of the trip and as it seems people with the right backround are into it.
I wish these people all the best and will keep following their paths.

Peace And Out