Posted by: Knase
Re: Hello from Japan!/Seek fellow bikers in Austria - 03/23/03 09:17 PM
Hi Mei,
that's great! This international forum seems to work! Subscribers from half around the world... cool
Well, actually I'm based some 700 km further north than Vienna but if you come to northern Germany you're welcome to stopf, even if my japanese is a little small (it's just yes & no & bye...). Generally there are so many nice cycle-paths to follow, especially along the rivers, that it is really difficult to advice you to one. I don't know anything in Austria, but one of the famous ones is the Danube Cyclepath which goes until Budapest/Hungary and starts far in the south-west of Germany at the source of the Danube. Beside that there are so many smaller rivers to follow. Along the rivers you don't have to ascend very much, mostly the paths are quite levelled and easy to follow, that's nice. But I don't know if there are information on cycle-paths available in English. You don't speak or understand German? There are loads of books and websites about routes and tours with very detailled maps. You could purchase them in many book shops or perhaps also via internet like amazon.
I just could counsel you on northern Germany, sorry. But if you have questions feel free to contact me. Where in Nippon are you based?
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that's great! This international forum seems to work! Subscribers from half around the world... cool

Well, actually I'm based some 700 km further north than Vienna but if you come to northern Germany you're welcome to stopf, even if my japanese is a little small (it's just yes & no & bye...). Generally there are so many nice cycle-paths to follow, especially along the rivers, that it is really difficult to advice you to one. I don't know anything in Austria, but one of the famous ones is the Danube Cyclepath which goes until Budapest/Hungary and starts far in the south-west of Germany at the source of the Danube. Beside that there are so many smaller rivers to follow. Along the rivers you don't have to ascend very much, mostly the paths are quite levelled and easy to follow, that's nice. But I don't know if there are information on cycle-paths available in English. You don't speak or understand German? There are loads of books and websites about routes and tours with very detailled maps. You could purchase them in many book shops or perhaps also via internet like amazon.
I just could counsel you on northern Germany, sorry. But if you have questions feel free to contact me. Where in Nippon are you based?
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