Posted by: Rhys
Re: trusted bike stores ? - 11/15/05 01:06 AM
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This is a good idea, however I am in no position to offer a store in the third world. I can offer one in Sierra Vista Arizona, USA.M&M Cycles on Fry Boulivard, owned by a good scotsman, Martin. And will have information on one in Agua Prieta Sonora, Mexico in one week. Further if anyone is in need of a shower, email me at
Aho, WiloWales

This is a good idea, however I am in no position to offer a store in the third world. I can offer one in Sierra Vista Arizona, USA.M&M Cycles on Fry Boulivard, owned by a good scotsman, Martin. And will have information on one in Agua Prieta Sonora, Mexico in one week. Further if anyone is in need of a shower, email me at
Aho, WiloWales