Fahrradmitnahme im Zug in Slowenien !

Posted by: Fetzer

Fahrradmitnahme im Zug in Slowenien ! - 03/01/02 08:27 AM

Zur Info : Antwort der Slowenian Railways auf meine Anfrage :

Dear Sir,
with reference to your E-mail we are sending you the following information:

The transport of bicycles is possible on:
* InterCity train "Emona" 150/151- relation Vienna-Ljubljana-Vienna and InterCity train "Pohorje" 502/503-relation Maribor-Koper-Maribor
* diesel-motor trains and electric-motor trains in Slovenia
* car train for the relation Bohinjska Bistrica-Most na So?i-Bohinjska Bistrica.

In summer time (June - September/October) there run more trains, on which transport of bicycles is possible. These are:
InterCity train "Rogla/Citadela"
-relation Ljubljana-Hodoš-Ljubljana,
Regional train "Galeb"
-relation Maribor-Koper-Maribor,
International trains "Ljubljana"
-relation Ljubljana-Ilirska Bistrica-Ljubljana, "Ohrid/Kras/Istra"
-relation Dobova-Diva?a-Dobova.

Transport of bicycles is not possible on the tilting trains caled "Pendolino".

Price for transport of bicycles is 2,16 EUR for one bicycle and it is the same for all relations in Slovenia.

Unfortunatelly it is not possible to take bicycles on trains to Villach or Klagenfurt and Munich.

We hope that information will be useful for your travel. If you have any more questions we will be glad to help you. We wish you a pleasant journey with Slovenian Railways.

Best regards!
Slovenian Railways

> -----Izvorno sporo?ilo-----
> Od: Matthias Weber [SMTP:M.Weber@nefkom.net]
> Poslano: 26. februar 2002 14:09
> Za: info@slo-zeleznice.si
> Zadeva: Bicycles in slovenian trains
> Hello !
> I am planning a bicycle journey in Slovenia and Croatia in spring 2002.
> Is it possible to take bicycles in slovenian trains ? My bike MUST be in
> the same train than me, I won't give it away as a freight (it is quite
> precious).
> I am especially interested in train connections from Slovenia to Austria
> (Villach, Klagenfurt) and Germany (Munich).
> Thank you for your information
> Matthias Weber